3 Rivers   Homeopathy – Hypnosis – Healing

As February comes to an end, so does the National Heart month in the UK. The British Heart Foundation every year raises awareness of various heart conditions. https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/conditions

In some of my recent cases and within immediate family I have seen statins being prescribed unnecessarily in spite of having no symptomatic heart pathology. This has resulted in many of the notable side effects. In one of the case’s, only when I urged my client to take a 2nd opinion, did the physician agree with my reasoning. We slowly reduced the dosage and finally eliminated the statin for my client. The 1st things the client’s family noticed when we eliminated the statin was the increase in energy, reduction of fuzzy thinking & brain fog.

Statins in my opinion is a very controversial issue and are many times prescribed without due thought. The traditional view held by mainstream is that statins still play a vital role in preventing strokes but what about the side effects that an elderly person suffers from it at the present moment? Doesn’t quality of life play an important part?

So what are the things we can do to improve the quality of our lives when dealing with a heart condition or being on medication to prevent strokes or reduce cholesterol?

  1. Exercise
  2. CO enzyme Q10
  3. Green tea
  4. Omega fatty acids
  5. Magnesium
  6. Healthy eating habits

Homeopathy offers some incredible remedies in terms of cardiac treatment which can be taken alongside mainstream medicines that can successfully be used to help the individual.

At 3 Rivers, one of the main things I tend to look at is the link between the mental emotion and the physical manifestation of the ailment. My aim is to provide my clients a better quality of life with my blend of natural therapies and remedies. In literature we say the person suffered from a broken heart OR was sad after being disappointed in love OR experienced palpitations due to grief.

If you or someone you know has signs or symptoms of a heart condition, please see your doctor for a diagnosis. 3 Rivers Homeopathy can help you to overcome the condition once diagnosed.